NYTimes food twit attacks celebs for advertising soda

Mark Bittman says, “But food provides nourishment, and soda doesn’t.” So carbohydrates aren’t nourishment? That would be news to my metabolism.

“Some will say that soda is food and that there’s no smoking gun as there is with tobacco. But food provides nourishment, and soda doesn’t. In fact it packs calories that provide no satiety and directly cause weight gain, and despite the recent Journal of the American Medical Association meta-analysis questioning the link between obesity and early death, we know there is a link between obesity and diseases like diabetes. Two things can slow down this machine: anti-tobacco-style legislation and public opinion.” [NYTimes]

2 thoughts on “NYTimes food twit attacks celebs for advertising soda”

  1. A recent study clearly indicates that wellness freaks and those who believe them have a 100% risk of eventually dying.

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