NRDC Chief: 'Lisa Jackson stood up for all of us' reds

Okay, so I added that last word…

From an op-ed by the NRDC president in Politico:

“It’s as if there is some evil genie at the EPA that is bound and determined to put every regulation possible on the books, as soon as possible, regardless of the economic consequences,” Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) scolded Jackson when she appeared before a subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in Sept. 2011. “Is it the goal of the EPA to get to zero emissions, i.e., basically shut down the U.S. economy?”

For Barton, who has received $3.2 million in campaign contributions from the oil, gas and electric utility industries, any number of plausible responses might well have come to mind.
Jackson, though, took the high road, replying simply, “Of course not, sir.”

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