3 thoughts on “Napolitano: The right to shoot tyrants, not deer”

  1. Howdy bestruger1022
    The people of Egypt seem to have voted for an Islamist constitution; the people of Iraq and Afghanistan definitely did; Pakistan is at least quasi-democratic and its people consistently vote for Islamist representatives. Nicely illustrating your satirical point, of course: people sometimes do elect and re-elect oppressors. This is the problem with direct government and California illustrates it well with its redonkulous initiatives.

  2. The Left scoffs at the notion of shooting tyrants and their minions by scoffing at the notion that the US government is, or could ever become, tyrannical.

    They justify this by loving big government, the bigger the better. How can your government be tyrannical if you love it, basically. It’s a rather simple-minded attitude. Just because they love big government doesn’t mean we should be compelled to go along.

  3. Perhaps our rights are endowed by our Creator at a moral level. The historical fact is that people retain our rights by demanding them, usually by fighting for them with arms, and then by jealously guarding them at the ballot box so we won’t have to guard them in the street.
    Judge Napolitano is right and his statement is essentially libertarian. Please, let’s keep that in mind when the topic is homosexual activity or even abortion.

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