MU study on BPA yields different results

“Recent University of Missouri research could not replicate results of a previous study linking exposure to the chemical bisphenol A — commonly known as BPA — to obesity and diabetes.”

“The original study, conducted by researchers at Duke University and the University of Michigan, used mice to look at the effect of maternal nutrients and environment on offspring. It used mice with yellow or brown coats: Yellow mice tend to go on to become obese and develop diabetes, while their genetically identical brown siblings lead a healthier life.

That study found that when the mother mouse was exposed to BPA — a chemical found in some plastic bottles, receipt paper and other consumer projects — and genistein, found in soybeans and sold as a dietary supplement, the number of yellow offspring increased dramatically.

However, the MU study, which used 10 times the number of mice, did not find the same connection.” [Columbia Tribune]

3 thoughts on “MU study on BPA yields different results”

  1. Undaunted, “researchers” from the New York University School of Medicine now claim that exposure to BPA may be associated with an indicator for increased risk of kidney disease and future heart disease. I’d love to play a little junk science judo with that “study”:
    1. may be
    2. associated
    3. indicator
    4. increased risk

  2. Good grief! My wife saves store receipts, which means she is going to have more yellow babies than brown ones. Will we be subject to EEOC law suits to ensure proper color mix? “The court hereby orders your wife to shop on-line for no less than 45% of her retail purchases.”

    Just more evidence that the US would rather live in fear than in freedom. Very sad.

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