Los Angeles Yanks Plug on Free Parking for Electric Cars

Without free parking, EVs are “expensive, underpowered and not really all that green.”

From today’s Wall Street Journal:

On a recent morning, Jack Luu parked his plug-in Toyota Prius in one of the most expensive lots at Los Angeles International Airport before flying off to a film shoot in Canada. The lot, where Mr. Luu leaves his car as many as 10 times a month for business trips, normally charges $30 a day.

But when Mr. Luu returned home three weeks later, he drove out, as usual, without paying a dime.

“That was a huge reason why I bought the car in the first place,” says the 35-year-old Santa Monica, Calif., postproduction company executive, whose car qualifies for free parking for up to a month at a time in two of LAX’s most convenient—and costly—short-term lots.

Other than that, he says his ride is “expensive, underpowered and not really all that green,” because it can run just 12 miles on electricity before switching to gas…”

[a href=”http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323374504578219730787930190.html”>WSJ, subcription required]

One thought on “Los Angeles Yanks Plug on Free Parking for Electric Cars”

  1. Oh, rich people with expensive novelty cars have to pay to park.

    What is the world coming to

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