Left chastises NAACP for ‘blackwashing’ in soda fight

Global warming “blackwashing” is okay, though.

From Gawker’s “The NAACP Pretends That Sugary Soda Is a Civil Rights Issue“:

The AP reported today that both the NAACP and the Hispanic Federation have joined the American Beverage Association’s lawsuit against Bloomberg’s proposal to limit sodas to 16 ounces in the city. They have joined on the side of the beverage industry, to be clear, which should be disconcerting to anyone under the impression that the NAACP still operates as a righteous group of crusading outsiders dedicated to justice, as they did during the civil rights era… Just as environmental groups can be enlisted for corporate “greenwashing,” so can civil rights be enlisted for corporate blackwashing.”

But Gawker has overlooked the NACCP’s “blackwashing” on global warming:

NAACP Commends Creation of Congressional Climate Change Task Force

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse and Rep. Henry Waxman create new bicameral effort to focus on climate change policies

(Washington, DC) — Following President Obama’s call to action on climate in his inaugural address this week, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) and Rep. Henry Waxman (CA-33) announced a new bicameral task force to fight climate disruption.

The NAACP released the following statements in response:

“We commend Senator Whitehouse and Representative Waxman for establishing this crucial Task Force today,” stated Hilary Shelton, NAACP Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy and NAACP Washington Bureau Director. “We look forward to working with the members of the Task Force to develop effective policies and help to focus public attention on this urgent challenge.”

“The Task Force will serve as a valuable resource for members of Congress to generate ideas, share proposals and coordinate efforts on climate change,” stated Jacqueline Patterson, Director of the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program. “The need for a comprehensive, nationwide plan to address the severe weather events that we have seen must be definitively addressed before conditions worsen.

The NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program was created to educate and mobilize communities of color to address climate change as a civil rights and human rights issue.


2 thoughts on “Left chastises NAACP for ‘blackwashing’ in soda fight”

  1. Climate change policies a la Obama and the Enablers are especially harsh on urban poor and Third World poor. Raising energy costs limits their immediate consumption and comfort and also limits their opportunities.
    Urban poor and Third World poor are predominantly of what race?

  2. Like any activist group, the NAACP has to do things to keep its brand image alive. No matter what you think about the war on soda or climate combustion, this ain’t the way to go. Sticking to legitimate issues is the only way to preserve credibility — something difficult to earn, and devastatingly easy to lose.

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