11 thoughts on “Inaugural Fake: Beyoncé Lip-Synced the Star-Spangled Banner”

  1. (fake) History repeats: ‘2009: Live players / Recorded Music At Inauguration” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/23/arts/music/23band.html

    It would not have killed those players to borrow less-valuable instruments, nor would it have killed Beyoncé, a skilled singer, to make her best attempt under difficult conditions. Folks understand and forgive mistakes made when people try their very best. Nobody loves deliberate deception when it looks like a reasonable better effort could have been made to be real.

  2. The intellectual climate has been destroyed. You can’t believe ANYTHING in the news or from the mouth of a politician.

  3. I don’t expect the cannonade to involve live shells, but I do expect live music to be just that.

  4. The Star-Spangled Banner is a difficult song and Washington’s Inauguration Day weather notoriously dicey. Beyonce may have made a respectful choice here.
    The USMC Band Director says the band was playing normally.

  5. And Obama read his speech off a teleprompter.

    I’ve been trying to figure out who is behind the teleprompter. It became clear with yesterday’s speech:

    Abraham Lincoln.

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