Despite court ruling, EPA raises biofuel estimate

Why would EPA listen to what a court says?

“Days after a federal appeals court said the Obama administration is setting overly optimistic production quotas for the struggling biofuels industry, the government has issued new standards that raise production estimates for 2013.”

Read more at the Associated Press.

3 thoughts on “Despite court ruling, EPA raises biofuel estimate”

  1. And all in pursuit of the chimeras (chimerae?) of CO2 pollution and independence from petroleum.

  2. Geoff, there is nothing to predict. Look at the statistics and you know the engine will go into atoms sooner or later. In Germany, insurance companies are selling protection to car owners who run on E10 because of occurred damage, let alone E15.

  3. Where does the federal government get authority to establish ethanol content in gasoline at all? If it’s a valuable fuel additive, it will create its own market — as gasoline did in the first place. If not, it’s a fricking stupid thing to use for rents. I’d rather the corn went straight to pigs and became bacon.
    Let alone what E15 is predicted to do to my car.

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