2 thoughts on “Court rules EPA ethanol mandate ‘unreasonable’”

  1. “The biofuels organizations strongly disagree with the court’s characterization of what EPA did — EPA did not determine a reasonably achievable volume and then inflate it,” the groups said in a statement. “Rather, it set the volume based on the best information available to it at the time.”

    Okay, then the biofuels organizations determined a reasonably achievable volume and then inflated it.
    The ” best information available to it at the time” was profoundly wrong.

    o The EPA knew the number was wrong, and lied. Else, the EPA is stupid.

    . . . or . . .

    o The biofuels organizations knew the number was wrong, and lied. Else, the biofuels organizations are stupid.

    Or all of the above. Most likely.

    I’m pleased to see the court stand up to really, really bad government.

    I would also like Congress to investigate what would get Dupont to invest in a cellulosic ethanol plant. I can’t believe there’s a real business case to do so. Has Dupont gone the way of GE, i.e., entered into a fascist relationship with the government?

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