Alarmists (again) trot out Kerry Emanuel as Republican global warming believer in video

Memo to the Union of Concerned Scientists: Not many Republicans are “ashamed to be an American” and not many wives of Republicans have renounced their citizenship.

The Kerry Emanuel Saga:

2 thoughts on “Alarmists (again) trot out Kerry Emanuel as Republican global warming believer in video”

  1. I would be very interested in SOMEBODY finding the actual scientific definition of “global warming”. My understanding is that it has to be a 3 degree F sustained increase in temperature over a (maybe) 100 year period. I read about it in a Farmer’s Almanac article several years ago, butr I’m not sure about all the details. Can anyone verify this? So far, the only sustained increase I have heard anyone quoting is a 0.3 to 0.4 (?) degree increase over the last several of decades. Anybody have the REAL science on this?

  2. Can you please stop the “wife renounced citizenship” meme? Leaving the USA for Britain is hardly the end of the world. She lived in the UK for 15 years, working for the BBC for 12.

    This is “more patriotic than thou” nonsense and your know it.

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