Pants on Fire: Mann disputes report of $10K speaking fee; Media Trackers sticks by story

“It appears that in Mann’s Facebook post he and his agent are, at best, confusing several different events. At worst, they are attempting to deliberately deceive Mann’s readers.” Continue reading Pants on Fire: Mann disputes report of $10K speaking fee; Media Trackers sticks by story

Rolling Stone: Australia is the canary in the climate mine

“Want to know what global warming has in store for us? Just go to Australia, where rivers are drying up, reefs are dying, and fires and floods are ravaging the continent.” Continue reading Rolling Stone: Australia is the canary in the climate mine

Rolling Stone: Only 565 gigatons of CO2 until global temps exceed 2-degree limit

That’s about a 15 years worth of emissions at the current global pace. BTW, the 2-degree “goal” is arbitrary. Continue reading Rolling Stone: Only 565 gigatons of CO2 until global temps exceed 2-degree limit