UK health secretary threatens industry over childhood obesity

No offense intended to our UK friends, but isn’t the food on Landing Strip One already bad enough without removing more salt, sugar and fat? Continue reading UK health secretary threatens industry over childhood obesity

US study says El Nino, climate change link fuzzy

“The frequency and volatility of El Nino, a weather pattern that hammers the tropical Pacific Ocean every five years or so, does not seem linked to climate change, said US research released Thursday.” Continue reading US study says El Nino, climate change link fuzzy

NYTimes food twit attacks celebs for advertising soda

Mark Bittman says, “But food provides nourishment, and soda doesn’t.” So carbohydrates aren’t nourishment? That would be news to my metabolism. Continue reading NYTimes food twit attacks celebs for advertising soda

As Biofuel Demand Grows, So Do Guatemala’s Hunger Pangs

“Now that the United States is using 40 percent of its crop to make biofuel, it is not surprising that tortilla prices have doubled in Guatemala, which imports nearly half of its corn.” Continue reading As Biofuel Demand Grows, So Do Guatemala’s Hunger Pangs