Christie Blames House GOP, Boehner For Politicizing Sandy Aid

Since the Senate bill was crammed down Boehner’s throat, possibly New Jersey Fats ought to direct his wrath elsewhere, like at his new buddy Barack who ordered Biden to craft the bill with Mitch McConnell. Continue reading Christie Blames House GOP, Boehner For Politicizing Sandy Aid

Zubrin: The Greens’ Attack on Mariculture

“Previously, environmentalists objected to human actions that harmed whales. But now, human actions that help whales also evoke horror. So clearly, it’s not about whales at all. It’s about prohibiting human activity, which is seen as intrinsically evil and therefore in need of constraint, regardless of its nature.” Continue reading Zubrin: The Greens’ Attack on Mariculture

Revised wind credit expands welfare possibilities

“In 24 hours the heavily subsidized wind industry has gone from the verge of collapse to a modern-day Gold Rush. H.R. 8 seems to create a perverse incentive to rush production of additional facilities even when there may not be adequate demand for wind, biomass, or geothermal energy,” Issa told The Hill in a statement. Continue reading Revised wind credit expands welfare possibilities

Judge hears jurisdictional argument in ATI v. EPA (human testing lawsuit)

Federal Judge Anthony Trenga listened to about one hour of argument today in American Tradition Institute v. EPA, our lawsuit to end ongoing illegal scientific experiments involving human beings conducted by the EPA. At the conclusion of argument, Judge Trenga took the case on advisement. Stay tuned for his decision on the jurisdictional matters in dispute.