Toomey: 'We Republicans need to be willing to tolerate a temporary, partial government shutdown' over debt ceiling'

They need to be willing to tolerate a shutdown 1-second longer than Obama… otherwise they (we) are lost. Continue reading Toomey: 'We Republicans need to be willing to tolerate a temporary, partial government shutdown' over debt ceiling'

New England Journal of Medicine Commentary: Social Withdrawal and Violence — Newtown, Connecticut

“What is missing from most related discussions is a focus on the seductive, powerful subculture that celebrates and advocates violent and antisocial behavior.” Continue reading New England Journal of Medicine Commentary: Social Withdrawal and Violence — Newtown, Connecticut

New England Journal of Medicine Commentary: Ban assault weapons

From the authors: “Our niece might be alive today if she hadn’t had easy access to a handgun at 18.” So what’s that got to do with so-called “assault weapons”? Also note the inclusion of 24-year-olds as “children.” Continue reading New England Journal of Medicine Commentary: Ban assault weapons

Alert: ATI v. EPA (human testing lawsuit) hearing set for Jan. 3

A federal court will decide tomorrow whether it has jurisdiction to hear the the American Tradition Institute’s claims of illegal human testing against the EPA. The hearing is set for 10am at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, VA (Judge Anthony Trenga’s courtroom). Come support us!

Climate Change Threatens French Wine

“However, climate change is nothing new in the earth’s history, he points out. “Today the issue is that our agricultural systems are much more fixed,” he says, “and our investments in our agricultural systems are much more fixed.” Continue reading Climate Change Threatens French Wine