Obama halted EPA regs for political split second to plan massive 2013 environmental regs

“Obama was not kidding when he said that ‘voting is the best revenge’ because he may have the last laugh whether he gets re-elected or not.” [Kerry Picket, Washington Times]

Gore gets $257,000 for climate speech in Gibraltar

Flashback from Gore’s 2009 Congressional testimony: “And, Congresswoman, if you’re — if you believe that the reason I have been working on this issue for 30 years is because of greed, you don’t know me.” Continue reading Gore gets $257,000 for climate speech in Gibraltar

Ralph Hall: Time to rein in the EPA

The scientific enterprise at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is broken, contrary to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s assertions that “science is the backbone of everything we do at EPA,” or that major regulations are based on the recommendations of EPA’s “independent” science advisors. As Americans face a fragile economy and skyrocketing energy prices fueled by President Obama’s agenda, it is important to pull back the curtain on the ideologically-driven processes EPA is using to justify an avalanche of costly rules. Continue reading Ralph Hall: Time to rein in the EPA