EPA Fines School Bus Co. For Diesel Idling; Who will fine EPA for diesel idling?


So it’s not okay for school buses to idle, but EPA can idle a truck and pump its diesel exhaust into the lungs of elderly people?

From the Danbury Daily Voice:

Idling diesel engines emit pollutants, which can cause or aggravate a variety of health problems, including asthma and other respiratory diseases, and the fine particles in diesel exhaust are a likely human carcinogen,” the EPA said in the statement. “Diesel exhaust not only contributes to areawide air quality problems, but more direct exposure can cause lightheadedness, nausea, sore throat, coughing and other symptoms.

Click for EPA’s illegal human experiments.

A Connecticut bus company was fined after the Environmental Protection Agency saw several school buses idling in lots. Photo Credit: Flickr user Twix via Danbury Daily Voice
A Connecticut bus company was fined after the Environmental Protection Agency saw several school buses idling in lots. Photo Credit: Flickr user Twix via Danbury Daily Voice

7 thoughts on “EPA Fines School Bus Co. For Diesel Idling; Who will fine EPA for diesel idling?”

  1. I went to a small high school, back when, “UNDER GOD” was still in the pledge of allegiance, and the superintendent always told us: “Do as I say, not as I do.” Same thing applies here.

  2. The only thing missing here is the sound of metal on stone as the heels of their synthetic, hypoallergenic jackboots strike the concrete. They have become an abomination and scourge upon free society in the name of ‘we know best’, providing endless employment for the easily directed.

  3. One thing to comment on. When the agencies are doing a stakeout, sitting on the road with an infrared camera looking at your flare or with binoculars staring at your waterways, they always, Always, ALWAYS keep the engine running.

    Fancy that.

  4. Metro buses in Houston had automatic shut-off on them which is real pleasant when outside temp is above 90 degrees and the humidity is above 90%. Another stupid government regulation.

  5. So, the EPA just happened to be in the area and just happened to do a double-take when they saw these school buses idling. What luck!!

    I am beginning to wonder about these “agents” of the EPA. Just how many of them are there? We already know they are doing surveillance on ranches…

    I’m not a conspiracy nut, but there is something wrong here.

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