Browner calls for federal fracking regulations

“Right now states are responsible for overseeing fracking. That means there could be 20 to 30 different state regulations imposed on fracking businesses. Why not develop one set of national requirements based on the best available science and technology and leave the oversight and enforcement up to the states?” [New York Times]

Trzupek: EPA witch hunts on taxpayer dime

“Indeed, as we’ve seen in case after case, this is the EPA’s new approach: Forget about risk evaluation because there is no risk so small that it’s not worth spending huge amounts of public and private dollars to lessen just a little more. That’s not science, folks, nor is it sound public policy. It’s simply a witch hunt, and now that the president has been re-elected, we’re going to have so many more of them that it would make 17th-century Puritans living in Salem blush.” [Rich Trzupek, Washington Times]