Danger, Mitt Romney, Danger: GE General Counsel in Running for EPA Administrator

The general counsel of green energy rent-seeking, cap-and-trade-loving, and USCAP-founding member General Electric is reportedly a leading candidate to head the EPA in a Romney administration.

Inside EPA reports:

… Two prominent Bush administration alumni said to be pushing hard for top environmental and energy positions in a Romney administration are Jeff Holmstead, who ran EPA’s air office and Jim Connaughton, who headed the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Holmstead “wants EPA so bad he can taste it,” one energy expert says.

The transition team source says EPA staff “is fully expecting [a Romney EPA] administrator to be someone who has lost a Senate or governor’s race” with a higher profile than Holmstead or Connaughton. Several sources say more likely “old guard” picks include former Bush-era EPA General Counsels Ann Klee, who now works for General Electric, or Roger Martella, an attorney at Sidley Austin, though several Republican and Democratic sources peg Klee as the best choice “far and away” among the Bush veterans… [Emphasis added]

A far better choice for EPA is Texas attorney general Greg Abbott — a man who understands the thuggish and abusive nature of the EPA.

Romney needs guidance on green appointments — Obama EPA air chief Gina McCarthy was his “green quarterback” when he was the governor of Massachusetts.

To paraphrase Lost in Space‘s B9 Robot,

We cannot accept that course of action. We cannot accept that course of action.

4 thoughts on “Danger, Mitt Romney, Danger: GE General Counsel in Running for EPA Administrator”

  1. If Romney wins he would do well to stay away from any Bush appointees or holdovers from the Bush administration. Seems like Bush kept some of Clinton’s appointees and how well did that turn out. Romney also needs to keep Rove at more than arms length. I would hope Romney is his own man and not get involved in the good ole boy system that currently runs the establishment in DC.

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