Gary Taubes' anti-sugar screed

Gary Taubes pens a screed against sugar in Mother Jones. But in the end, low-carb crusader Taubes is forced to admit “the sugar industry may be facing the inexorable exposure of its product as a killer — science will ultimately settle the matter one way or the other.” [Emphasis added]

So Gary, if science isn’t settled as you plainly admit, how did the sugar industry err in defending itself?

Coal Company: Obama EPA killing 145 jobs by holding up permit

“Consol Energy Inc. told 145 workers in southern West Virginia on Tuesday that it will start laying them off in late December because of a dispute over permits for surface mining related to the King Coal Highway project.” [CBS News]

Chris Matthews Calls Climate Change Deniers 'Pigs'

“Well Professor Oppenheimer, back in the 60s, we called such people pigs. Pigs. No, really. They don’t care about the planet, they don’t care about the destruction of war. All they want is what they got, their stuff, and they want more of it.” [Video at Huffington Post]

New documents prove falsification in EPA air study; JunkScience renews retraction request has uncovered new documents conclusively proving that EPA researchers materially falsified a September 2011 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP). Continue reading New documents prove falsification in EPA air study; JunkScience renews retraction request

Egg McMugged: 'Breakfast sandwich is a time bomb in a bun'

While atherosclerosis may lead to heart problems, there is no scientific evidence that what you eat has anything to do with it or any associated heart problems. Continue reading Egg McMugged: 'Breakfast sandwich is a time bomb in a bun'

Oops: Harvard affiliate apologizes for promotion of "weak" study

“A Harvard-affiliated hospital is backing away from its decision earlier this week to promote a paper linking the artificial sweetener aspartame and cancer, now saying the evidence was ‘weak.'” [Reuters]

GOP senator would likely oppose potential Romney EPA chief nominee

Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) is signaling that fealty to former President George W. Bush’s administration does not guarantee a potential senior nominee a clear path through Senate confirmation.

Vitter told Greenwire last week that James Connaughton, Bush’s former head of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, would not get his support to be Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator. [The Hill]