WV Prof: Marine Murderer, Urinators 'More Dishonorable' than Climate Deniers — For Now

“Right now, public opinion is likely to judge the liars who got us into a futile orgy of unnecessary civilian killing as more dishonorable than brazen climate-change obfuscators; a few decades hence, opinion may swing the other way.”

Retired West Virginia business professor John Palmer writes in the Charleston Gazette:

“Honor” reads the billboard, which features a stern, zombie-like, young man in splendid uniform. But, in the light of recent events, how convincing is this USMC recruiting poster slogan?

We now know that U.S. Marines have been caught urinating on the bodies of fallen enemies. Such an act is, of course, the very epitome of dishonor. And, at about the same time, it has been revealed that another U.S. soldier, frustrated at the deaths of comrades by an IED, murdered bystanders, and was hardly punished. Couple these grotesqueries with those well known from a few years ago (Who can forget Abu Ghraib?), and one can only conclude that our wars of choice have not been “honorable”…

But, though today’s level of political/military honor seems to have improved from abysmal to merely mediocre, there is another area in which we still suffer from a pernicious lack of honesty that is vital to the future of our children and our nation and the planet. Expert climatologists and geo-physicists agree that global climate change is being brought about (at least in part) by human activities and, further, that unless we change the human impact on climate by quickly switching from fossil fuels to sustainable ones, substantial and irreversible impacts will occur. These impacts are, they say, likely to be so negative (assuming we do not implement changes) that the quality of human life on the planet will decline in an ever-deepening downward spiral…

Right now, public opinion is likely to judge the liars who got us into a futile orgy of unnecessary civilian killing as more dishonorable than brazen climate-change obfuscators; a few decades hence, opinion may swing the other way. [Emphasis added]

8 thoughts on “WV Prof: Marine Murderer, Urinators 'More Dishonorable' than Climate Deniers — For Now”

  1. I apologize for not including the formal titles of the above-mentioned academics and scientists for the sake of brevity. I meant no disrespect.

  2. So, a former business professor is brazen enough to call such notables as S. Fred Singer, Roy Spencer, Richard Lindzen, Prof. Judith Curry, Henrik Svensmark to name just a few, “climate-change obfuscators” without honor? A former business professor, lecturing notable skeptics on climate change? What a laugh. He can’t be taken seriously.

  3. Retired Professor Palmer has probably spent his entire life Going to School . . . and now want to tell us all about life on the planet. He is the “Poster Child” for all that’s wrong with education in the US today . . . elites that have Never Been There, Never Done That . . . telling us all how to view the world . . . maybe the Marines should pay him a visit . . . LOL

  4. Typical leftist; disparaging the military and people who disagree with him while ripping off the public by collecting wages not commensurate with his abilities that condemn him to academia.

  5. John Palmer regurgitates nonsense about anthropogenic global warming (AGW), peddled by Al Gore and (unfortunately) also real climate scientists.
    Assuming no vested interests, they base their conclusion and imagined catastrophes on computer models. But actual observations don’t validate such models. So whom should we believe? I prefer genuine data to computer print-outs.

  6. Ex-professor Palmer needs to understand that things do happen that the literati deem horrible at best. The rest of us though disturbed can understand men err. I have no problem with urinating on any dead Taliban rebel, I do have a problem with a Sgt, killing 17 innocent civilians. I’m curious that this liberal bigot forgot to mention the american soldiers murdered by the psychiarist down south, probably because he was a muslim and we need to forgive and forget their sins. Abu Graib was really no worse than fraternity pledge pranks and while the muslims felt it dishonered their god. The truth be told Allah is at best a pimp working in a brothel compared to any american soldier. As far as us deniers, the truth is we have real science and real history on our side instead of some hockey stick from the land of the pedophiles. Is climate changing, of course it is as it has for eons. Mother earth doesn’t have to adjust because in due time she will change again. Man has to recognize in a few thousand years the shoreline will have moved back and forth, so what?

  7. Academia operates on the assumption – requirement – that it knows things otherwise unknowable or unknown by common man and that those things are the important ones that must be acted upon. Dangerous, fallacious, self-justifying myopia. This is a case in point. Speaking of falsehoods, the experts do claim that substantial and irreversible impacts will occur, but their claims are based on a shotgun approach of that everything negative may occur. That’s not expert while being very, very pagan. Just go back a few centuries to the Mayans and put some fancy headdresses on the experts and see what you get.

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