Rockefeller unsure if CCS will help coal plants comply with GHG rule

CCS is a pipedream.

E&E Daily reports:

While most coal-state lawmakers condemned U.S. EPA’s new proposed greenhouse gas rule for future power plants as a job-killer, West Virginia’s senior senator is taking a softer stance.

Democrat Jay Rockefeller said in a statement yesterday afternoon that it was no surprise that EPA will promulgate the climate change rule, a process that was put in motion by a 2007 Supreme Court ruling, Massachusetts v. EPA.

But he said the future of coal would depend on whether technology will allow coal-fired power plants to meet the limit of 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt-hour (MWh).

“The key question is whether the new emissions standard is set so high that even the best known clean coal technologies can’t meet it, which would be bad for coal and bad for the environment,” he said…

Click for our debunking of CCS.

2 thoughts on “Rockefeller unsure if CCS will help coal plants comply with GHG rule”

  1. “which would be bad for coal and bad for the environment,” he said.
    Note that there is zero consideration given to the individual consumer, or to the country, or to civilization at large, of the effects of a dramatic reduction in the availability of electric power.

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