NYTimes energy conference more about enviros

Check out the marquis speakers at the New York Times‘ Energy for Tomorrow Conference.

They include:

  • Lester “The World Is Running Out of Resources” Brown
  • Obama environment czar Comrade Carol Browner
  • Mega-green hypocrite and New York Times columnist Tom Friedman
  • Greenpeace executive director Phil Radford
  • Duke Energy CEO Jim “I learned what I know about climate from my grandkids” Rogers

Check out the full cast enviros.

2 thoughts on “NYTimes energy conference more about enviros”

  1. Carol Browner’s picture was once posted prominently on SocialistInternational.org’s website.

  2. Do not you find yourself constantly surrounded by people like that?
    Today’s countries are full of them! People walking all day, every minute of the day, worried about everything! Concerned about air, the water, worried about the soil. Concerned on insecticides, pesticides, food additives, carcinogens. Concerned about radon gas, asbestos. Concerned about saving endangered species!
    We’re so cocky. So so cocky! Everyone is going to save something now: “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all, “Save the planet” WHAT? Is that fucking people teasing me? Saving the planet? We do not even know yet how to take care of ourselves. We have not learned to care one of another and are we going to save the fucking planet?

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