No need to panic, speaker tells Aussie climate forum

“Apart from one man being shouted down and labelled an “environmental Nazi” by another member of the 70-strong crowd, there were no major disturbances.”

The Standard reports:

TALK that Green activists would undermine a conservative-run climate change forum in Warrnambool last night proved to be a lot of hot air.
Apart from one man being shouted down and labelled an “environmental Nazi” by another member of the 70-strong crowd, there were no major disturbances.

Patrick Tonks asked if guest speaker, former Bureau of Meteorology chief William Kininmonth, was paid by the Australian Climate Science Coalition (ACSC), to which Mr Kininmonth replied he was an honorary member.

“I’m not being paid to be here tonight,” Mr Kininmonth said.

“I’m a retired public servant. The only funding I receive from the Australian Climate Science Coalition is when I have to go somewhere and I’m out of pocket”…

One thought on “No need to panic, speaker tells Aussie climate forum”

  1. “Patrick Tonks asked if guest speaker, former Bureau of Meteorology chief William Kininmonth, was paid by the Australian Climate Science Coalition”… See? The who-funds-whom question, posed by a green mercenary. Keep your eyes open.

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