New Factoid: Damage to world's oceans 'to reach $2 trillion a year'

“The study also recommended that the United Nations appoints a High Commissioner for Oceans…”

Reuters reports:

The cost of damage to the world’s oceans from climate change could reach $2 trillion a year by 2100 if measures to cut greenhouse gas emissions are not stepped up, a study by marine experts said on Wednesday.

The study found that without action to limit rising greenhouse gas emissions, the global average temperature could rise by 4 degrees Celsius by the end of the century causing ocean acidification, sea level rise, marine pollution, species migration and more intense tropical cyclones. It would also threaten coral reefs, disrupt fisheries and deplete fish stocks…

2 thoughts on “New Factoid: Damage to world's oceans 'to reach $2 trillion a year'”

  1. My dad taught me that a cost is only a cost if you actually spend the money.
    Where are the idiots who want to spend $2 trillion of their own money to “clean up” the oceans, and how do they plan to do it?
    The Scottish blood in me wants a piece of THAT action!

  2. I believe this study. But what they don’t tell you is that 2 trillion dollars in the year 2100 will buy you two happy meals at McDonalds!

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