Love Story: Town Hopes to Keep Tower of Coal Power

“In Homer City, economic concerns outweigh environmental ones for many residents who have lived all their lives in the shadow of the plant’s 1,217-foot-high chimney—one of the tallest in North America.”

About the Homer City, PA coal plant under fire from enviros and the EPA, the Wall Street Journal reports:

…”People love that plant,” says Mark Sardone, a clerk at the post office. People need electricity, he says, and he would prefer living next door to a coal-fired plant than to a nuclear one. “I’d rather breathe a little coal dirt than get irradiated”…

Read the entire report.

One thought on “Love Story: Town Hopes to Keep Tower of Coal Power”

  1. Actually, the coal plant is irradiating Mr. Sardone more than a nuclear plant would. If operating under NRC regulation, that coal plant would be shut down.

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