Harold Ford, Jr to Obama: Approve Keystone XL…

… and stop fighting U.S. energy companies.

Obama supporter and former Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. writes in the Wall Street Journal:

… The president has announced that he will open more of U.S. federal land and offshore areas to oil exploration and development. This is an important step, but he needs to do more—specifically, he should reconsider his Keystone pipeline decision.

Despite several years of study and a favorable State Department analysis, the administration has rejected Keystone XL’s application for a construction permit. This pipeline could bring an additional 500,000 barrels of oil a day from Canada to the U.S. Instead, the project is in limbo.

Mr. Obama should also work with our leading energy companies instead of fighting them. Domestic energy companies contribute to our economy, support millions of American jobs and retirement accounts, and some, like Exxon Mobil, are investing in the energy solutions of tomorrow like fuel from algae. Yet the president continues to use them as his rhetorical foil. Calling for higher taxes may bring applause at partisan political events. But it won’t lower energy prices.

We can’t wave a magic wand to bring gasoline prices down. But increasing domestic crude oil development will reduce our reliance on energy from unstable parts of the world. That, and a healthy petroleum refining sector, will help mitigate price spikes that hurt our economy.

2 thoughts on “Harold Ford, Jr to Obama: Approve Keystone XL…”

  1. Harold Ford Jr. need to shut the f*ck up about the Keystone XL Pipeline. The only reason he’s shilling so hard for it is because he’s probably made promises he couldn’t keep and is heavily invested in it happening. It’s not like this stuff haven’t already caused large scale disasters in places such as Michigan and Mayflower, AR. http://is.gd/j64BWs

  2. “The president has announced that he will open more of U.S. federal land and offshore areas to oil exploration and development.”

    His pronouncements of what he will do in the future mean nothing.

    “Do it. Then talk about it.”

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