EPA's Jackson jets to Paris for Agenda 21 planning

Fresh off her proposal to kill the U.S. coal industry through unrealistic greenhouse gas emissions standards, Lisa Jackson will spend the remainder of the week in Paris planning global government, which apparently cannot be done by Skype.

Below is the EPA media release.


Alisha Johnson

March 28, 2012

EPA Administrator Leads U.S. Delegation to Paris for Meetings on Economic and Environmental Cooperation

WASHINGTON – Today U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa P. Jackson arrived in Paris, France to meet with environmental leaders from more than 40 nations to discuss the Agency’s international efforts on urban sustainability. During the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Environment Policy Committee’s ministerial meeting, Administrator Jackson will represent the United States in discussions about the upcoming Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development, and talk about ways in which the environment committee can support the global conference’s efforts.

EPA has a long history of international collaboration on a wide range of global environmental issues. In recent years, EPA’s bilateral and multilateral partnerships have increased efforts to address environmental and governance challenges. In collaboration with other nations through the OECD, EPA is furthering its mission to protect the environment by ensuring national security, facilitating commerce, addressing climate change, and promoting sustainable development.

Friday, March 30

12:00 PM CET OECD Panel
Participants: EPA Administrator Jackson, OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria
Open Press
OECD Conference Center
2 Rue Andre Pascal, 75016 Paris, France

Media wishing to interview Administrator Jackson can RSVP to Zoë Mezin at mezinzl@state.gov, +33 (0)6 07 90 43 84.

More information: http://www.epa.gov/oia/io/oecd.html
About the U.S. Mission to the OECD: http://usoecd.usmission.gov/
About the OECD: http://www.oecd.org/

4 thoughts on “EPA's Jackson jets to Paris for Agenda 21 planning”

  1. “EPA is furthering its mission to protect the environment by ensuring national security, facilitating commerce…..”

    So EPA is now taking up the responsibilities of Homeland security and the Commerce Department? Well, if green panther Peter Gleick was head of ethics I guess anything is possible in warmanista world.

  2. The Czarina is no-douibt making secret deals, and that is NOT a good thing for American Citizens and Capitalist Free-Enterprise Practitioners….

  3. “jets to Paris for Agenda 21 planning”

    You mean “jets to Paris for some shopping and champagne” ?

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