Deniergate Gets International Flare: Canadian scientists get U.S. money

“We will not be commenting on this matter” said a spokesman for the Canadian Environment Minister.

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The Vancouver Sun reports:

While it has aggressively slammed environmental groups for using foreign dollars to finance a small portion of their budgets, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government is being tight-lipped about revelations that climate change skeptics in Canada are getting money from an American think-tank with corporate funding.

Newly released documents have revealed three Canadians were part of a network of academics receiving monthly payments from the Chicago-based Heartland Institute as part of its advocacy work to cast doubt on scientific evidence linking human activity to global warming observed in recent decades.

Two of the three Canadians mentioned in the internal records have confirmed they were getting paid by the Heartland Institute…

5 thoughts on “Deniergate Gets International Flare: Canadian scientists get U.S. money”

  1. “three Canadians”? Wow! and “part of a network”? Stupendous! And of course the minor sums expended reveal that tons of covert money transfers are involved …

  2. ” … Chicago-based Heartland Institute as part of its advocacy work to cast doubt on scientific evidence linking human activity to global warming observed in recent decades.” That’s a bit “value-loaded.” After he mis-fire about Anthony Watts usng Heartland funds for a small weather only project, the quote sounds convenient in the way the fake Heartland memo was too convenient. — And I’d say their agenda is more accurately described as to cast LIGHT on climate science and doubt on runaway activism.

  3. As always, skeptics are often their own worst enemies. For whatever reasons, the skeptics don’t realize they are not choosing the right people to do the right job in the right way. So be it …

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