5 thoughts on “Daily Kos expects new NPR ethics guidelines to silence skeptics”

  1. This “equal balance” thing, which has never existed in the mainstream media, was actually a talking point consolidated back in the early- mid-’90s as an extremely clever means of prompting journalists NOT to give equal time to skeptics. I wrote an entire article on that last summer, see: ” ‘Media Too Fair to Climate Skeptics’, say reporters who’ve been unfair to skeptics” http://www.globalwarming.org/2011/06/02/media-too-fair-to-climate-skeptics-say-reporters-whove-been-unfair-to-skeptics/

  2. I dropped my subscriptions to leftist propaganda organs (i.e. newspapers) years ago. Why support people who were just blathering and repeating leftist garbage. I’ve rarely listened to NPR — and then, only by accident when I tuned in an NPR station while traveling around the country in my 48,000 lb, 42 foot long bus. I rarely watch anything on PBS-TV — though sometimes they have nice concerts during their pledge weeks…

  3. Well I get all my real news from books written by real climatologists and online. I stopped reading the newspapers and TV news is a joke. Just think of the money and time I save by not listening to them at all.

  4. What good are ethics if you can’t use them for your side. That’s like – unethical or something. I’d mock further, but it’s a serious undertaking on their part.

  5. Just one question.. how am I supposed to decide whats true if I cant read all sides?

    Guess I have to stick to the Internet because at least its all there for me to make up my own mind.

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