Clean Energy Hostage Strategy Hijacked for Bush Tax Cuts?

The right deal is wind subsidies for an end to Obama’s anti-fossil fuel jihad.

About the wind production tax credits up for Senate vote today, E&E Daily reports:

… Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) has language on the docket that would extend more than a dozen energy tax incentives, including a production tax credit for wind set to expire at the end of this year. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) has one that would eliminate some energy subsidies, while Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) has a side by side with Stabenow’s that would extend tax incentives while also approving expanded drilling and the Keystone XL pipeline (Greenwire, March 12).

Reid yesterday said he saw dim prospects for the Stabenow measure, but not because of a lack of bipartisan support. Instead, Reid accused Senate Republicans of withholding support for extending the energy tax credits to maintain a “wedge” they can use in negotiations later this year over income tax cuts passed during the George W. Bush administration that are scheduled to expire.

Republicans are trying to protect “their friends, the wealthiest of the wealthy,” in the hope that Democrats and the Obama administration would agree to maintain the Bush-era tax rates on top earners in exchange for extending the renewable tax credits, Reid said…[Emphasis added]

Read about the clean energy hostage strategy.

One thought on “Clean Energy Hostage Strategy Hijacked for Bush Tax Cuts?”

  1. “The right deal is wind subsidies for an end to Obama’s anti-fossil fuel jihad.” I wouldn’t do that deal just for the reasons that it is entirely unenforceable on Obama. You give him the subsidies – which are not right and can’t be taken back – and he goes on “protecting a clean planet.” He’s given lip service while taing the opposite action before. He’s never done the opposite in any deal. He’ll double cross this time. He’ll keep doing it. Let’s just say he’s highly principled – like the Japanese administrators of their POW camps.

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