Alec Baldwin: Inhofe Is An 'Oil Whore'

It’s not named Twitter for nothing.

Huffington Post reports:

Actor Alec Baldwin took to his Twitter page over the weekend to unload on Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), repeatedly referring to the notorious anti-EPA legislator as an “oil whore.”

During an environmentally focused diatribe against BP and fossil fuel dependence, Baldwin launched the following jab at Inhofe. The senator is a noted climate change denier who has also recently drew the ire of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who attacked the senator as “big oil’s top call girl” earlier this month…

9 thoughts on “Alec Baldwin: Inhofe Is An 'Oil Whore'”

  1. In Baldwin’s defense, he thought he was talking about his daughter.

    But seriously folks, can we really expect liberals to follow their own demands of more civility. I always find it strange how they can with a straight face decry conservatives as being hateful.

  2. Just let them. As long as the AGW-cult and climate science need narcistic clowns like this as their spokesmen, there’s still hope.

    As for Mr. Inhofe, he’s one of the real heroes of our time.

  3. Isn’t Alec a bigger Wh*re ? Oh he meant “oil” whore, my bad … Heh Alec, left any funny voicemails for your kids lately ?

  4. Could Kennedy and Baldwin do anything better than this to prove how un-objective they are? I can’t think of anything.

  5. Gas at $4 and rising to $6 is probably not the best time to put one’s liberal foot in one’s liberal mouth while advertisig that one is out of ammunition, reason and balance. Look, a squirrel! isn’t going to get anyone’s eyes off the pump price.

  6. Alec Baldwen: Imo, Inhofe is NOT a “whore” for oil,–he’s a Believer in Exploration of all Energy, and the hundred$ of thou$and$ of UNION job$ that would provide. I HOPE Alec isn’t against UNIONS?! Let’s say Jim WAS even though he ISN’T. Better a “whore” for Oil, than a “HO” for Nobama and the RECESSION following $7.00/gal or more gas. Alec, can AFFORD to put gas in his Bentley Convertible(–even @ $9.00/gal), but those of us that might cut his grass if we were able to, would have to pay a LOT, just to drive in our clunker to reach his house(s). I wish to point out he IS a MAGNIFICENT-ACTOR, even though he doesn’t CARE about the little guy…nor does his ‘Massah, Nobama, keeping the Poor on the “No-gas” plantation. Hopefully, I’m wrong and Alec’s just acting…

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