Industry: Fracking study based on ‘outlandish' assumptions

Run away! The alarmist author “suggested a science-based forum, or simply leaving the debate in the realm of scientific literature.” Continue reading Industry: Fracking study based on ‘outlandish' assumptions

WV Prof: Marine Murderer, Urinators 'More Dishonorable' than Climate Deniers — For Now

“Right now, public opinion is likely to judge the liars who got us into a futile orgy of unnecessary civilian killing as more dishonorable than brazen climate-change obfuscators; a few decades hence, opinion may swing the other way.” Continue reading WV Prof: Marine Murderer, Urinators 'More Dishonorable' than Climate Deniers — For Now

Report: Water shortages increasingly will offer new weapons for states, terror groups

Water is the most abundant substance on the planet. Shortages are manmade. Continue reading Report: Water shortages increasingly will offer new weapons for states, terror groups

Labor Dept.: Green jobs account for 2.4% of employment in 2010

“Employment in this field has been hard to measure because there’s been no consensus on what constitutes a green job.” Continue reading Labor Dept.: Green jobs account for 2.4% of employment in 2010