Fight continues over coal terminal proposed near Bellingham, Wash.; 800 show up for meeting

This is the beginning of the final enviro assault on coal. If we can’t burn it here or export it there, coal will be nowhere. Continue reading Fight continues over coal terminal proposed near Bellingham, Wash.; 800 show up for meeting

Scafetta Paper: Solar and climate oscillations are linked to planetary motion

“These results clearly indicate that both solar and climate oscillations are linked to planetary motion and, furthermore, their timing can be reasonably hindcast and forecast for decades, centuries and millennia.” Continue reading Scafetta Paper: Solar and climate oscillations are linked to planetary motion

Goddard: Winter Temperatures On The Decline In Washington DC

Washington, DC just finished its supposedly warmest winter on record. But Steve Goddard shows that DC winters are nevertheless trending cooler. Continue reading Goddard: Winter Temperatures On The Decline In Washington DC