Painting with Time: Climate Change iPad App Released

The perfect ap for our times: climate whiner Katharine Hayhoe was the “content consultant” and the ap features “Painting Time and Slicing Time manipulation modes.” Continue reading Painting with Time: Climate Change iPad App Released

Fracking: EPA only looking to ‘manage or minimize’ injection earthquakes

“EPA appears to have receded from its initial goal of finding ways to “avoid” earthquakes caused by injection.” Continue reading Fracking: EPA only looking to ‘manage or minimize’ injection earthquakes

Romney: Coal ‘not a four-letter word’ in Romney administration — Oil & gas exploration to be ‘dramatically accelerated’

In a Feb. 27 letter, the West Virginia Coal Association asked Mitt Romney: Continue reading Romney: Coal ‘not a four-letter word’ in Romney administration — Oil & gas exploration to be ‘dramatically accelerated’

Romney: All Obama-era regulations to be reviewed — EPA Utility MACT ‘perfect example of a rule that makes no sense’

In a Feb. 27 letter, the West Virginia Coal Association asked Mitt Romney: Continue reading Romney: All Obama-era regulations to be reviewed — EPA Utility MACT ‘perfect example of a rule that makes no sense’

Romney: Would impose a ‘regulatory cap of zero dollars’ — No additional regulatory costs at this time

In a Feb. 27 letter, the West Virginia Coal Association asked Mitt Romney: Continue reading Romney: Would impose a ‘regulatory cap of zero dollars’ — No additional regulatory costs at this time

Chu Wind Kabuki: Time to phase-out subsidies

“The industry needs an immediate extension of the Production Tax Credit in order to save U.S. wind manufacturing jobs,” said Denise Bode, CEO of the American Wind Energy Association.” Continue reading Chu Wind Kabuki: Time to phase-out subsidies