Validity of climate science upheld?

Because Mann’s hokey stick has been cited 6,000 times?

Penn State professors rise to the defense of Michael Mann in the Centre Daily Times:

We are dismayed at the recent incarnation in the local media of the long-running smear campaign against our Penn State colleague and climate scientist Michael Mann.

He was disparaged by the president of the Pennsylvania Coal Association, George Ellis, in a Feb. 11 CDT letter and by a coal-industry political action committee in ads run on 93.7 FM.

Here are the facts about Mann’s scientific accomplishments.

Mann has published more than 100 articles in scientific peer-reviewed literature, with a total number of citations by other scientists exceeding 6,000. These would be high numbers in any scientific discipline, and they are particularly high for the relatively small field of climate science.

Another common way scientists quantify the impact of their work is through the “H Index,” calculated from the frequency with which each article is cited. Mann’s H Index is nearly that of a new inductee to the National Academy of Sciences. By any measure, Mann is one of today’s most prolific and highly cited climate scientists.

Mann’s fellow scientists regard him highly, as evidenced by the numerous awards and other distinctions he has received. Most recently, he was inducted as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, a designation granted to less than 0.1 percent of AGU members each year. Mann was also recently awarded the Hans Oeschger Medal of the European Geosciences Union, a high distinction in climate science.

The validity of Mann’s scientific research has been questioned, particularly in the aftermath of the release of the stolen emails that became the center of “Climategate”…

Note that Mann’s fans don’t point to any scientific discovery, law, principle, knowledge etc. that can be attributed to Mann.

Read the entire commentary.

3 thoughts on “Validity of climate science upheld?”

  1. Wow, over 100 published articles in the 13 years since he received his PhD. When does he find time to do his research with all of that writing and editing and reviewing?

    Quantity does not equal quality.

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