‘Smear campaign’ against Michael Mann?

As Michael Mann has never been subject to bona fide investigation, how can he be “exonerated”?

Consider the letter to the editorbelow from the Centre Daily Times:

A letter in Saturday’s CDT by George Ellis, president of the Pennsylvania Coal Association, calls Penn State professor Michael Mann “disgraced.”

The letter insinuated that emails stolen from climate researchers revealed some sort of misconduct. The claim that Mann has been disgraced is nothing but hot air.

Ellis’ letter neglects to mention that there have been six official investigations of the stolen emails and that the climate researchers have been exonerated every time.

Investigations were conducted by Penn State, the University of East Anglia, the Inspectors General of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Science Foundation and two by the United Kingdom’s Parliament. The NSF investigation reviewed Penn State’s investigation and confirmed its conclusions.

Investigations by the Environmental Protection Agency, FactCheck.org, Politifact.com and the Associated Press also found no wrongdoing.

How many times does someone have to be exonerated before the coal industry stops spreading lies about them?

Mann’s new book, “The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars,” documents in great detail the smear campaign against climate scientists.

Global warming deniers resort to all sorts of intellectual dishonesty in their attempt to deny the overwhelming evidence of manmade climate change.

Robert Baillie Ferguson Township

Read about the Penn State whitewash of Mann.

4 thoughts on “‘Smear campaign’ against Michael Mann?”

  1. Goodness. If roles were reversed, with Mr. Baillie to be a professor, and Professor Mann as his student, would Baillie give Mann a passing grade?

  2. Natural climate deniers resort to all sorts of intellectual dishonesty in their attempt to deny the overwhelming evidence against manmade climate change.

  3. Overwhelming evidence? Intellectual dishonesty? Pitifully ironic.
    Warmist says;
    “Global warming deniers resort to all sorts of intellectual dishonesty in their attempt to deny the overwhelming evidence of manmade climate change.”

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