Santorum: Man ‘not here to serve the Earth’

Amen, brother.

The National Journal reports:

Following his comments on Saturday that President Obama’s policies are based on a “phony theology,” Rick Santorum said on Sunday that he was referencing Obama’s capitulation to environmentalists on issues like global warning, which he said were “not scientifically proven.”

Speaking on CBS’ Face the Nation, Santorum expressed his view that man should be “good stewards” of the Earth—but not necessarily serve the Earth.

“Man is here to use the resources and use them wisely, to care for the Earth, to be a steward of the Earth,” he said. “We’re not here to serve the Earth. The Earth is not the objective. Man is the objective.”

Santorum added that the debate over global warming is problematic because it is “not scientifically proven,” and “when you have a world view that elevates the Earth above man,” you allow for government overreach.

“This is all an attempt to, you know, to centralize power and give more power to the government,” he said.

5 thoughts on “Santorum: Man ‘not here to serve the Earth’”

  1. well if the earth isnt served by us humans it will cease supporting our efforts at anything we need water air to do what we do man must serve the earth care treasure it if we dont well perish as a species

  2. That’s SO TRUE, imo, Mark, and we’d BETTER NOT “serve” the Earth, because to “Serve the Earth” is to serve its temporary Master, Lucifer! –Lucifer, a fallen angel who was originally given dominion over Earth as part of his Angelic(before the Fall & War in Heaven) duties. The Globalists are working for Satan, hosting Satanic masses to keep a lid of silence on those advancing their agenda. Who in their right mind would admit to attending a Satanic Mass, where human sacrifices have taken-place? Attending would theoretically make one an “accessory”, and they’d have photos and such. I believe we’ll see more defections from the Globalists, though, because attendee-victims can say they were “Photo-shopped”. Our loyalty MUST be to G-d and His inspired country, the United States.

  3. As a Christian I can honestly say that I have never read in the Bible where God or even Jesus said to go and serve the Earth. It says we are to be good stewards yes but not to serve. The Earth is here for us, not us for the Earth.

  4. With the Congress “prostrate”–unable to stop Executive abuse, Nobama has control over those agencies, the Demon-crats would NEVER object to Regulation-creep(–because that makes more govt. employment, more Demon-crat votes). The Left, then, already controls the Economy. What people don’t understand, is that they not only have the Economy, but with Clintonista-influence/control of vote Tabulation in Spain, we don’t “own” our VOTE, either. Nobama’s BACK for another term, no matter which Republican goes out, runs,–he’s back due to Spanish/Clintonista-controlled Vote-Tabulation, imo. It’s important for the Globalists to get him back, so that he continues to dismantle our Defense establishment, so that the third World War is a Sino-Soviet Victory. The Communist Party NEVER went-away in CONTROL of the CIS,–they merely sub-contracted-out their industry to University proffessors that pledged to NEVER get into politics, so all the Commie objectives are dormant, waiting for their seizure of World Power. I think the Red Chinese are truly STUPID to partner with them,–each would betray the other, so why bother partnering, but the ’39 pact between Stalin & Hitler, dividing-up Poland, didn’t make “sense” either. You ALSO notice one thing NEVER commented-on that I know of. When Hitler attacked Poland, Britain & France declared war. But when the Soviets occupied parts of Poland, later, the “Allies” never declared on the USSR!
    Why NOT declare on both,–the Germans first,–the Soviets later? But they didn’t do anything, against the Reds,except send some aid to Finland until Hitler attacked the USSR, then the USSR joined the Allies. The Globalists of the ERA were probably hoping the Germans and the Soviets would “take-each-other-out.”, much as the Globalists of this era, expect Israel and Iran(aggressive Islam) to neutralize each other, soon, with or without our help. I, imo, believe WE are golng to be drawn-into War with Iran, because the Marines now in Israel/ (some based around the Arabian Gulf) are to be “sacrificed”(like the Battleship Maine was in Cuba, in 1898) to ensure our dander’s up, and then, we “demand” war against Iran, a Globalist Prayer.

  5. Not many politicians have the courage to actually call the Climate Change KoolAid Club out and declare what it is really all about. A huge power grab to give the left control over the economy by using the DOE and EPA to issue and enforce regulations that were never part of their charter or the intent of Congress.

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