Romney slams Obama on energy

Mitt embraces fossil fuels.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

Reporting from Grand Junction, Colo.— Fresh off his victory in Nevada, Mitt Romney turned his attention to Colorado, whose voters will caucus on Tuesday. In the modest meeting room of a slightly faded motel on the Rockies’ Western slope, where mining companies and environmentalists have battled over coal extraction, Romney slammed President Obama’s energy policies.

“I share his desire to see renewable sources of energy developed,” Romney said to loud applause. “But don’t forget we also have to have carbon-based fuels like natural gas or oil and coal. The president said in his State of the Union address the other night that he was in favor of ‘all of the above,’ but then you look at the actions of his EPA and you realize they are really in favor of ‘none of the above.’ They hold off the development of our coal with regulations, they hold off on development of our natural gas resources, they hold off on the drilling of our oil…My policy will be that America must be energy secure and energy independent from the oil cartels.”

The message resonated with the crowd of a couple hundred. An elderly Romney supporter who would not give his name said he was happy to hear Romney address the issue. “Obama’s been trying to shut down the coal mines in Hotchkiss that have been here 30 or 40 years or more,” he said. “Same with gas drilling. These environmental groups are anti-the world”…

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