Report: EU tar sands pollution vote ends in deadlock

“Decision on whether to label oil produced from tar sands as highly polluting is delayed as key vote fails to find majority.”

The Guardian reports:

The European Union failed to label oil produced from tar sands as highly polluting on Thursday, with a key vote by member states ending in deadlock.

The issue is seen as a key test of the EU’s ability to implement its climate change policies while under heavy pressure from the Canadian government and oil companies who want to prevent billions of barrels of tar sands oil from being designated as especially harmful to the environment. The lobbying has been intense, with Canada secretly threatening a trade war with Europe if the proposal is passed, while the Nasa climate scientist James Hansen has said full development of the tar sands would mean it was “game over” for the climate…

Read the entire report.

One thought on “Report: EU tar sands pollution vote ends in deadlock”

  1. Game over for the climate, how many times have we heard that before. Isn’t 2012 the point of no return if we did nothing per some earlier conferences? It that is the case, we should stop all the nonsense, and just live with it. After all “reputable” global alarmists have told us we have reached that no return point.

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