Will the GOP-controlled House continue funding the climate gangstas?
Climate Science Watch reports:
President Obama’s budget request for Fiscal Year 2013 includes $2.6 billion for the U.S. Global Change Research Program, the multiagency federal program that supports climate science research and observing systems. Most of the increase over the current level would go to three agencies: NASA, NOAA, and the Department of Energy…
NASA-GISS should be shut down. This is a propaganda agency for promoting global warming caused by burning fossil fuels. It has nothing to do about space.
I agree with you Robert; NASA’s global warming budget should be zeroed — with all these funds going to space research.
NASA’s budget for space exploration is axed and global warming funding increased? Shouldn’t someone be cioncerned about what is being done to NASA.
Thanks, fixed
Have you been hacked? The link takes us to a page, http://www.climateandhealth.org/members/profile/14/blog-view/179, with a blog post about Heartland “Call to reveal ALL funding behind climate sceptics” showing a letter by a bunch of the usual suspects.
The Climate Science Watch page about the budget is http://www.climatesciencewatch.org/2012/02/14/presidents-2013-budget-requests-6-percent-increase-for-usgcrp/
But if the science is settled why do they need a budget at all?