“There is a trade-off because some of the states with the largest offshore wind resources are in the hurricane-prone areas.” Continue reading Will Hurricanes Topple U.S. Wind Turbines?
Month: February 2012
Aussie flooding blamed on global warming
“One thing that’s certain is that the water north of Australia has warmed about 0.7 degrees above the long-term average. For this key region, we are in the situation now where the long-term trend is as significant as natural variability.” Continue reading Aussie flooding blamed on global warming
Pending British drought to be blamed on global warming?
Where bad weather occurs can bad science be far behind? Continue reading Pending British drought to be blamed on global warming?
GM: Public ‘hates’ gasoline
We don’t know what GM spokesman Shad Blach is talking about — and neither does he. Continue reading GM: Public ‘hates’ gasoline
Obama budget has no money for National Climate Service
More climate alarmism bites the dust. Continue reading Obama budget has no money for National Climate Service
Penn. RINO moves to strip ANWR language from highway bill
Pennsylvania RINO Rep. Jim Gerlach interferes with drilling in Alaska. Continue reading Penn. RINO moves to strip ANWR language from highway bill
Obama seeks no new funding for DOE loan guarantees
“I remain concerned with DOE’s ability to manage and provide oversight of the existing loans,” said Florida Republican and Solyndra investigation lead Rep. Cliff Stearns. Continue reading Obama seeks no new funding for DOE loan guarantees
Mallory McDuff: ‘Preaching about global warming on Valentine’s Day weekend is just another example of a sacred act’
Another green hiding behind God. Continue reading Mallory McDuff: ‘Preaching about global warming on Valentine’s Day weekend is just another example of a sacred act’
Voluntary Carbon Disclosure Produces Positive Returns for Shareholders
Autism Caused By Highways?
“Epidemiology is nothing if not a productive field. All that is needed for success is a database (larger the better), a disease (any will do), and some minor facility with statistical software.” Continue reading Autism Caused By Highways?
Corals: Killed by weather but survive climate change
Natural selection works! Continue reading Corals: Killed by weather but survive climate change
CAGW Porker of the Year: Steven Chu
From Citizens Against Government Waste. Continue reading CAGW Porker of the Year: Steven Chu