Plumer: Will your kid be taught that climate change is a hoax?

Hopefully not. Kids should learn to figure out controversies for themselves — as opposed to being force-fed politically correct propaganda. Continue reading Plumer: Will your kid be taught that climate change is a hoax?

Alarmist water film strikes out with three green losers: Gleick, Brockovich and Hayes

As the world beats Peter Gleick like a bass drum, “Last Call at the Oasis” ought feel the reverberation. Continue reading Alarmist water film strikes out with three green losers: Gleick, Brockovich and Hayes

Agenda 21: ‘Rio conference has some potential, but remains ill-defined’

Agenda 21 is the master mlan for extreme green-designed global governance. Continue reading Agenda 21: ‘Rio conference has some potential, but remains ill-defined’