National preach-in on global warming?

“If we are to love our fellow humans, we cannot insist on our own way of consuming ever more energy.”

Berkeleyside reports:

On Sunday, Berkeley’s St. Mark’s Episcopal Church took part in a national preach-in on global warming which linked hundreds of congregations across the country together as they reflected on their responsibility towards the planet and social action.

The Reverend Arthur Boone linked the responsibility for Christians to act on the issue of global warming to Christ’s admonition to love one another. Citing Paul’s letter to the Corinthians “Love does not insist on its own way…,” the Reverend argued that the United States, with 3% of the world’s population, cannot in good conscience continue to consumer 25% of the world’s energy resources. “If we are to love our fellow humans, we cannot insist on our own way of consuming ever more energy,” he said…

Read the entire report.

3 thoughts on “National preach-in on global warming?”

  1. So exactly when did anyone come to the conclusion that we only have 3% of the worlds energy resources. And by the way. If you produce 25% of the worlds economy, I would say using approx 25% of the energy to do so makes sense. Now compare energy consumption of each country in the world to their GDP and if that is an acceptable metric to measure energy efficiency then we are okay and china is in a world of crap.

  2. The best way Christians can help the environment is to stay off of the “rabbit trails” and leave them for the foxes.

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