Murdoch accused of blocking coverage of ‘Deniergate’

More alarmist projection.

Patrick Lockerby writes at Science 2.0:

The world at large also needs to know that Rupert Murdoch’s media empire – which often cites the Heartland Institute as a source for “climate science” – has managed to block publication of anything relating to this denialgate story in all but two of its outlets.

At the time of writing, of the mighty magnate Murdoch’s multiple media mouthpieces only The Australian has covered the denialgate news. The story broke February 14th, but the Australian story was posted February 17th. However, it was straight copy from an AP newsfeed…

A news blackout is a very old propaganda trick. The hope is that the target audience will never hear the other side of the argument. Meanwhile, the propagandist keeps repeating the same old propaganda slogans: it’s the sun, it’s cosmic rays, etc.

Rupert Murdoch, like the old time radio broadcaster: “is a sovereign lord. He decides whether the event is spoken about at all, that is, whether it is broadcast”…

Read Lockerby’s screed.

2 thoughts on “Murdoch accused of blocking coverage of ‘Deniergate’”

  1. The CBC in Canada didn’t have a single mention of the original Climategate for almost 3 weeks. Then we only got a single short story quoting a couple of the involved climate scientists saying “there is nothing to see here”. What is different here is that doubt over the authenticity and legallity of displaying the documents was there from almost the first. When the HI set out a statement saying that at least one was fake and that they would legally persue people who posted them, only an idiot would put them up.

  2. “…news blackout is a very old propaganda trick. The hope is that the target audience will never hear the other side of the argument…”

    And exactly what has the mainstream media been doing, when it comes to airing the skeptic side of the story for 15+ years?????

    “The Lack of Climate Skeptics on PBS’s ‘NewsHour’ ”

    “PBS and Global Warming Skeptics’ Lockout”

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