Mexico: Cut emissions to save marijuana crop?

Apparently the pot crop has been harmed by drought.

Climatewire reports,

Mexico appears poised to approve sweeping climate change legislation as it recovers from its worst drought in 71 years.

With the return to session last week of Mexico’s Congress, analysts say the country’s three largest political parties have coalesced behind a comprehensive bill that calls for slashing greenhouse gas emissions 30 percent compared to business-as-usual levels by 2020 and 50 percent by midcentury…

If the “General Law on Climate Change” passes, Mexico will be one of just a handful of developing nations to codify that promise into domestic law. While opposition exists, primarily from the steel industry, advocates say the biggest challenge appears to be timing. Unless the measure is passed soon, Mexico’s presidential elections could upend progress…

From corn to marijuana crops, this year’s drought — the worst since the Mexican government began recording rainfall 70 years ago — is devastating the northern part of the country…

Click for a Huffington Post report on the marijuana crops.

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