Mann gets police protection; Hides behind own child

Ryan Jones reports for the Penn Stater:

I approached the podium a few minutes before Michael Mann was scheduled to speak Thursday afternoon to ask him a simple question: Were all those police out front there because of him?

“Probably,” he smiled. “I think they’re probably superfluous, but it’s better to be safe.”

I’ve gone to probably a dozen Penn State Forum lunches in the past five years, and Thursday’s event at the Penn Stater Hotel was the first in which I’d seen a police presence. Three armed campus police officers—one from a K-9 unit—stood outside the packed conference room in which Mann spoke. I imagine they were there to stem any potential unrest after ads appeared on local radio this week urging people to boycott or protest Mann’s speech; I imagine those officers were aware as well that Mann has received death threats because of his work…

Before taking audience questions for 25 minutes on Thursday, he ended his prepared presentation with an image of his young daughter. “This is an ethical issue,” Mann said. And, clearly, a personal one…

Read the entire post.

4 thoughts on “Mann gets police protection; Hides behind own child”

  1. One more email release and Michael Mann of Penn State could very well be Michael Mann of State Penn.

  2. Armed police?!? Hiding behind his daughter?!? Oh, the fraudster is going to get along just fine with Spanky Boner in cell block D. How’s tricks Mike?

  3. Oh, please. Forgive me for being skeptical, but I remember false fire alarms in High School. It would be reprehensible if the police were used for a publicity stunt. Be a good reporter, Penn Stater, and investigate that.

  4. Interesting… skeptics get far more threats, but I’ve never heard of police showing up to protect them. Must be a political correctness thing.

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