IBD: Greens Bleed Red

“In recent days we learned sales of the Volt and Leaf cratered, President Obama’s failed green jobs program is under investigation, and another “clean energy” company’s in trouble. Green is the new red.”

Investor’s Business Daily reports:

… Each week, it seems, brings fresh evidence that the Obama administration’s obsession with so-called clean energy is an increasingly costly failure.

January car sales data out this week provided additional proof that consumers are turning their backs on electric cars, making President Obama’s pledge to get a million of them on the road in three years look even more ridiculous.

Chevy sold just 603 Volts in January. (It sold almost five times as many gas-guzzling, 12 mpg Suburbans that same month.) Nissan moved just 676 Leafs, and the company hasn’t sold more than 1,000 in five months.

And these dismal sales figures come in a month when overall auto sales were surprisingly strong — hitting a high not seen since May 2008…

Read the entire IBD editorial.

2 thoughts on “IBD: Greens Bleed Red”

  1. @Tom Davidson,
    Ferraris may be the better per dollar purchase for performance and style. I’m for a $7,500 credit toward my first Ferrari.

  2. Now people are beginning to see why we Texans call petroleum “black” gold.
    It’s a pun!

    603 Volts and 676 Leafs? Ferrari sells about 1000 units a month, and you get a lot more performance and style for your money.

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