Good news: ‘Junk food’ still easy to buy in U.S. schools

The “need for federal regulation of school snacks”?

The Washington Post reports:

Nearly half of elementary school children can buy junk food at school, a trend that contributes to the childhood obesity epidemic and underscores the need for federal regulation of school snacks, according to a study published Monday in a pediatric journal.

The study, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, comes as federal regulators are crafting a proposal that would set new nutrition standards for foods and beverages sold in vending machines, snack bars and elsewhere in schools…

Read the entire Post report.

2 thoughts on “Good news: ‘Junk food’ still easy to buy in U.S. schools”

  1. The “war” on obesity is a convenient distraction to draw our attention away from the problems they are not willing to deal with. Drugs, violence, STDs, indoctrination, intimidation and abysmal ignornce. Banning “junk food” gives the appearance of being “really concerned” about children while doing nothing of value.

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