Fracking to blame for water shortage?

“It needs to be regulated somehow because if they use up our water supply, then what are we going to do? There’s only so much water to go around.”

KSAT-TV (San Antonio) reports:

Recent rain means water restrictions are easing up from where they were this summer, but that is not the case in Falls City.

The small community went from having no restrictions to Stage 4 over the weekend. Aside from the drought, officials say fracking is taking a toll.

“Recently, a combination of the fracking as well as the drought put together, we’re seeing some dramatic level changes in our wells,” Jeremy Mandel, Falls City Utility Supervisor.

Mandel believes massive amounts of water is being pumped out of the Carrizo Aquifer has left very little for the city.

“We have free-flowing artisian hot spring wells out of the Carrizo Aquifer, and on Dec. 3, they stopped free-flowing so we had to make some very drastic changes to our water treatment plant,” Mandel said.

Changes not only to the water treatment plant- but also- changes for residents. Falls City imposed Stage 4 water restrictions on Friday.

“It needs to be regulated somehow because if they use up our water supply, then what are we going to do? There’s only so much water to go around,” said resident Patrick Huffman. “We would like to see whoever it is that is the regulatory agency kings tighten up ship on regulating these people. Because I don’t think it’s getting done. Not to our standards anyway.”

The city says by implementing Stage 4 water restrictions, they hope to achieve a 35 percent reduction in total water use.

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2 thoughts on “Fracking to blame for water shortage?”

  1. Vindication of the Hollow Earth theory. Fracking allows water to drain into the hollow Earth, where tentacular hollow Earthians are now prospering, thanks to their human co-conspirators.

  2. Global warming is caused by natural gas and oil that is caused by frakking that causes water to flow to the center of the earth that causes volcanoes and earthquakes. The equation is simplified as: Cimate Change = Tectonic Change. There, that should make things easier for the IPCC.

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