Foster: Political science at academies

Nullius in Verba: The Royal Society and Climate Change, by Andrew Montford, is important to Canada not merely because of the continued threat of climate alarmism, but because the Royal Society of Canada has twice attached its name to intensely political statements from its British counterpart.”

Peter Foster writes at the National Post:

When Lord Robert May – a distinguished British population biologist – told a journalist: “I am the president of the Royal Society, and I am telling you the debate on climate change is over,” he was risking the reputation of the venerable institution he headed.

Presidents of national science academies are not meant to engage in ex cathedra statements, but to promote objective research. However, according to a devastating report this week from the Global Warming Policy Foundation, the Royal Society – former home to Newton and Darwin – has adopted a stance of intolerant infallibility over climate science and, even less appropriately, over policy…

Read the entire commentary.

One thought on “Foster: Political science at academies”

  1. Thanks for the multiple posts commenting on the Royal Society. It’s incredibly important. Although it is admirable for government to inform itself of science, there is no science when its purpose is to inform government. That is complete scientific corruption with a dangerous link to power.

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